We begin today after a great commute to work in which I allowed myself (my brain wasn’t working yet) to get caught in the doors of the 1 train – just my knee and the arm with my Dunkin Donuts coffee – because you know, sticking appendages in the closing doors will make them open back up like elevator doors. NOT.
With the help of some lovely NY citizens the doors were pried open long enough to release me and then the train left without me. 30 seconds later another train rolled up making me look like an even bigger idiot for not waiting to begin with. But no embarrassment here…people behind me were trying to get on too. Lesson learned? Not really. This will happen again.

Safely at my desk, the Superbowl lottery winners have begun to claim their pri

zes. I don't really understand why I would pay $5 per square on a grid with randomly assigned numbers to hopefully win some cash by chance. I'd sooner waste my bills on some nifty origami arrangements. And what we end up with is some VP making six figures who wins $50 and runs down the hallway screaming excitedly that she has a month's worth of Starbucks in her hand. Funny, I would have used my earnings to kick the thermostat up a few notches or I don't know, add some colorful nutrition to my carb-based diet of beige foods. We all have our priorities.
So Monday doesn't have the greatest start...what about this weekend? Well two splendid things happened really. One, I witnessed my soulmate warming up the audience before the taping of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. In a matter of 30 minutes this man inappropriately addressed foreigners, death, t

he CW, gays, and pointed out a coke dealer in the fourth row. "You've got the good coke. I can tell. Like you used to be in a band but now you just 'manage'. You have that house in Florida but you never really use it. I get it." I'm glad I left work early for a "doctor's appointment" just to watch tourists get mocked and awkwardly laugh it off.
The second splendid event was meeting a guy who works with ROBOTS. Hands down most interesting conversation of my life. He's working on a car that will eventually drive itself. DRIVE ITSELF. Hoping one day they can be programmed to safely transport the into

xicated from the floor of the bar to their yard (there's no guarantee you'll actually make it inside your home). I still can't wrap my head around that one but I'm pretty sure only my grandkids or their grandkids will witness this magnificent contraption, and even then that's iffy - please see the post below. Who needs healthcare reform when we can have vehicular DDs?
The rambling ends here. I still can't tell if this week started off on a positive or negative note. But my boss is in London for the week, so, win?
such a shame that subway doors aren't like elevator ones! though i suppose i would only want that to work to MY advantage - if the tables were turned i'd hate people (such as yourself) trying to creep onto my train.